The option doesn't work for videos which are removed due to Copyright issues.
I am sure not many of you must have encountered this problem.
The solutions for this problem :
1.OK folks the fix is easy and the short answer is, this is a standards compliance and implementation issue. The fast fix is, use Flock. Flock is a new version of the FireFox/Netscape web browser and it’s designed for use with Web 2.0.
2.Hotspotshield : This is a free vpn service, which connects to US network. Hence you get assigned a US ip address and hence, you can watch youtube video without any problem. This clearly state that this problem is only for a particular region. Download hotspot shield from here.
3.Youtube High Quality video option to the rescue :If you want to save yourself with the hassle of switching on hotspot shield, then here a better option. Append &fmt=6 or &fmt=18 to the end of the url and watch the video getting played. For example the above url will become : or