Go to the Start menu.
Click on Run
Enter the following and click Ok (You can copy and paste from this page):
regsvr32 softpub.dll Wintrust.dll Initpki.dll Rsaenh.dll Mssip32.dll Cryptdlg.dll
For Windows XP also do the following:
regsvr32 Dssenh.dll Gpkcsp.dll Slbcsp.dll Sccbase.dll
TEST - If same problem go to FIX B:
Check and remove any viruses. Use the link below for a free online virus check and removal tool.
TEST - If same problem go to FIX C:
Finally do the following:
Check your date and time is correct
Install Internet Explorer 6 or later
For Windows ME and XP run a system restore
Make sure your firewall has port 443 open to allow access to secure sites
Windows NT, 2000, & XP update to latest service packs
Restore Registry in Windows 98 & ME