There are so many fake techniques on the internet which tell you just open your computer in safe mode or press f8 on booting time to break your xp password today some sites providing passward resetting softwares in just some $ and whatever there price i dont buy any thing from them. actually i am going to tell you about or providing a software .from that software you can break your any user or administrator password and it is in 1 mb approx.
you will get the xp password breaker in a cd image. you have to burn it on a cd . please just burn not use nero bootable cd option is automatically bootable cd .after burning it just boot this cd at the time of boot your system after boot of this cd you see
A: prompt ,then simply go to the cd rom drive .whatever it is e: or f: and
then type setup.exe
after pressing enter
1 choose your hard drive where you install windows
and account will be show just choose admin or any user which password you want ot change or break or it change the password or break the xp password.
It is not not a fake try yourself its 100% working
download xp password breaker